Me Too, Unless You are a Jew
It is necessary for the UK to combat anti-Semitism within the criminal justice system to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background, are treated fairly and justly.
Anti-Semitism can lead to discrimination, hate crimes, and bias within the system, jeopardizing the rights and safety of Jewish individuals. By actively addressing and condemning anti-Semitism, the UK can uphold the principles of equality, protect minority communities, and promote a more inclusive and tolerant society.
Yes, the Me Too movement aims to address and raise awareness about issues related to sexual harassment, assault, and abuse across all communities.
However, It is important for the movement to be inclusive of individuals from all backgrounds, including Jewish individuals, who may have experienced such misconduct.
Blind Spot on the Me too movement
In the realm of intersectional theory and social justice, it appears that the Me Too movement may exhibit a blind spot for Jewish individuals, whether unintentional or due to oversight.
Progressive Jews justifiably assert their ethnic minority status, yet when confronting sexual violence, there appears to be a deliberate tendency to underestimate its credibility at best.
Its almost understandable that left wing feminism doesn't put melanin trump on the cover of vogue, she doesn't seek or support the ideology of feminism, why should she benefit.
but progressive jews who have been in the streets supporting various racial and gender based violence and discrimination get a shock when they realise the transactional nature of intersectional feminism has q deafening silence when they are victims of said violence.
October 7ths disgusting events, there is at best a willful underestimation of the scale, a doubting if otherwise reliable sources and a vile dismissal of the actions as legitimate resistance; worst of all some theories either overtly or covertly that they are less victims and somehow even if the violence is acknowledged that because of social status perceived or portrayed ' These rich jewish people with their own state claim to be victims' woodies doo. Let's move on. Ps. Thats islamaphobic because it assumes the hamas rapists responsible are worse because their ideology permits such sexual violence
By creating a space where individuals feel safe to share their stories and seek support, the Me Too movement can help empower survivors and advocate for change in various spheres of society.
It is essential for the movement to be intersectional and consider the unique challenges faced by different communities, including the Jewish community, in addressing and preventing sexual violence.

Swollen face: taken once out of police custody
Saelling is due tk the fact that due to poisoning her temptress was extremely high and from having her face sat on and persistently having three officers apply pressure to her body. I t can be compared to a baseline picture to prove the excessive force on an unwell patient, most livwly poisoned by police that should have let her be seen somewhere private to avoid the patient having to describe her symptoms which included intimate loss of blood. There was no attempt to be culturally sensitive. IDFuk can only imagine if tee patient who had been poisoned was a veiled arab over heating confused and a victim possibly of sexual assault, a victim who would not want to be identified with such a crime for cultural reasons.
Swollen face: taken once out of police custody
#kosher diet HMP: no food , no care, diaregard symptoms and interpret your wild antisemitism about a war in the middle east onto a patients narrative.
#me2 unless your JEW

There is currently no sign the police incured any injured
Ms Paris Jordan may have incured such injuries from the police or the assault she reported. But the swelling from the poisoning is still present
The Angel Project
Spotlight no. 023
Created with funding from
The Bambi Foundation
Supporting homeless and homeless adjacent,badminton affected plaintifs and defendents against over handed policing and anti semetic, islamaphobic and otherwise affected by the inheritance diseases of hate within the legal system at the policing end.
The sexual violence Project
Supporting those individuals in Israel and the diaspora who have had their income revenue and employment prospect threatened by uneven policing.
And readers like you, please consider donating
PROJECT Angel, has so far raised just $1340 towards a potential defence. Proceeds not used will go to other similar cases.
Punishing Angels in a Jihadi Britain and its overwhelmed police force leading to underwhelming actions.
Case 023 Angel Paris-Jordan
Uneven policing
Malicous police accusation documented in inadvertently recorder audio leading from arrest
Further accusation pending more information: 3 unecessary strip searches all relating to one alleged crime, assault of a police officer, video efficency currently withdrawn and not available to defendant.
Policing Good , projecting Evil
By Emma Kennedy IDFuk
The police assault charge against Ms Paris-Jordan highlights a troubling disparity in policing when it comes to incidents involving incitement to violence and actual violence in the context of Isla, those chosen protected minority with thin skin over the most persecuted minority currently, discounting the Armenian genocide western media is all but ignoring.
Who is willing to be offended is a victim
Those who are indignation and defiant in the face of having their assault (In angels case poisoning in order to extort 350 pounds, a crime which shockingly is still not been recorded)
Angel has been the victim of 4 logged hate crimes relating to ethnicity
Angel has been the victim of 6 violent assaults within 4 years including broken jaw, 4 missing teeth, internal brusing external bruising, eye injuries, being held prisoner.
Out of 16 allegations only 3 people were charge and 2 convicted for assault, assault with a deadly weapon , non fatal strangulation.
See photos
And yet to be released evidentiary photos from these previous qntisemetic transphobic hate crimes.
Those alleged assault purportedly by what doctors have called an amaciated dementia patient who was the victim of poisoning. The positing was unbeliever until she was seen by a doctor. The waiting room where she was sat on, had a police woman consistently apply , release and really handcuffs indicate a goading of the patient who at this time was patient. Nit a prisonwr or not clearly defined as one or the other. She sustained swelling and bruising from the arresting officers and they were insensitive to her religous aversion to having someone's groan placed in their facial view.
If she had not been poisoned and was not exhibiting a high temperature and delirium from that temperature, if she had not been suspicious of the antisemetic mumbling of one officer who was newly 'trained and benefiting from the lack of a degree requirement she may have been more aware that certain tropes exist. But let's give them officers the benefit if the doubt, they make just have been transphobic or eager to not believe the violence via poisoning that the patient had suffered. A doctor subsequently confirmed she knew the patient that she would be inclined to believe such a high acute onset temperature was down to poisoning and that the over handed police presence was unwarranted, almost hard to believe and inhibited the privacy of the patient and the doctors ability to do her job.
This case exemplifies a two-tier system where individuals who stand up for what they believe is right, particularly in support of Zionism as anti-colonialism, are unfairly targeted. The uneven application of justice in this situation raises concerns about systemic biases within the law enforcement system.
As an author with a history of addiction, Ms Paris-Jordan has faced additional challenges as she prepares for the release of her literary work, "UNFORGIVING HUNGER." The attempt to discredit her prior to the publication of her book can be seen as a tactic to silence white and ethnically Jewish voices who refuse to be victims of anti-Semitism. The insinuation that she must be wealthy and therefore able to afford her defense is a clear example of hate and prejudice, further underscoring the need for a fair and unbiased legal process.
It is essential to shed light on the audio files that allegedly capture conversations about Ms Paris-Jordan following three fruitless strip searches in a single day. These recordings suggest a lack of respect for her integrity and rights, raising questions about the treatment of transgender individuals within the criminal justice system. While the admissibility of such evidence in court may be uncertain, the broader implications of this case cannot be ignored.
Calls for "Never again" on October 7th should not be dismissed or discredited, as they serve as a reminder of the need to confront and combat prejudice and discrimination in all its forms. By bringing attention to the experiences of individuals like Ms Paris-Jordan, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all.