Israel Defence Fund

Welcome to Israeldefencefund

At Israeldefencefund, we are dedicated to defending and drawing awareness against two tier policing in the UK. Our free legal and public-relations  services aim to bring attention to this issue and provide valuable information to the British public.


Israel and Jews are under attack and being policed differently to non Jewish British citizens.


The author, the smear, the 'JUNKIE':

Nutshell:  Cumbria police enact self own and take it to court. The benefits of leaving your phone on record when you are arrested. Especially when wrongly arrested, Jewish, especially during a national conversation about 2 tier justice. ISLAMISTS and their so called progressive allies are VILE and using sometimes legitimate foreign policy concerns as a smoke screen for racism.

Just name one

We wil award any reader 1000 uk pounds donated by a Cumbrian Resident if you can locate and provide evidence one prop palestinian protester has been arrested, strip searched or charged, lierally one of 3 , not all, just one o those actions taken against a prop palestian infantalised victim, we are making this offer thanks to a donation from a Christian supporter in the Cumbria area, and also we ar emaking this challenge because we know the number is zero


Black Lives Matter, JEWS DON'T

Black Lives Matter, Black Jews Don't 

LGBT matter, but not with a star of David.

Zionists: When they arrest you whilst standing up for ISRAEL, do one thing,  PRESS AUDIO RECORD on your phone

Project Angel: case 10023

The case discusses the situation where an individual, an intersex, Ashkanazi Jew, was believed to be a poison victim after a heated argument with a member of the LGBT community a teacher, because of course they are teachers makes a counter allegation; getting rid of the evidence of poisoning and having the Jewish individual arrested, FALSELY.


Angel, the unjustly accused, benefits from keeping her phone recording while being arrested, particularly when the individual is Jewish and innocent of the alleged crime (these charges are of course dropped out of embarassement) .

The sister of the individual notes: It is intriguing to observe the law enforcement's perspective on a victim of poisoning turned accused, manipulated by an openly antisemitic individual who falsely accuses her while claiming to be the actual victim throughout the ordeal.




Engaging in imformative content for those tired of two tier policing in the UK.

Jewish Voice


Jihadi protests are consistently 'violent and unpoliced'

Striking fear into Jews, practitioners of Jewdaism and zionists, including members of all faith, a perfect overlap of some of these identities is likely to receive immediate harsh uneven policing including activists often said the be extreme and on the pay roll of organisations such as  Aipac and idfUK.

People like Ms Angel Paris-Jordan who is receiving palliative care and deemed too sick to work,  she is  desperately trying to stay alive in order to promote her literary debut. Angel is  Jewish ✡  a Centre left, former socialist, an author with  a publishing deal with an affiliate of IDFuk.


This lady has audio proof, taken without her knowledge upon arrest which continued recording some of the most viscous  material that 3 officers might have, in discursive form about anyone who merely acknowlefges the sexual violence of October 7th.


She is famous for being the youngest person to ever change sex legally in the UK at age 9 but now faces upto a year in a male facility, and her representation, provided by legal aid, in the UK and shockingly urged her to plead guilty to assaulting a police woman who is on audio tape saying through negation, slurs and Ommision of evidence just what an un balanced officer she is.

Angel who's groundbreaking book UNFORGIVIBG HUNGER is being smeared ahead of the books completion because of its alleged forthcoming content is so compelling and discrediting her is their only option to turn this book 19 years in the making into anything but the lavish expensive book launch it was intended to be.


She was born intersex, so such discrimination could also well be transphobic, however a jail sentence given her medical conditions, which at this point the IDFuk are chosing not to disclose, would be  according to an expert in prison health care UK,  akin to a death sentence.


We are currently in the possession of a set of audio tapes recorded on angels phone when she was arrested, twice, strip searched 2 times within the arrest in a most brutal way. We are appealing for these tapes to be released. 


But when the phone was confiscated it of course carried on recording and captured incendiary remarks before and after the strip search regarding her body, her religion her gender etc. These are lewd.


What is her crime, allegedly making lewd comments and making contact with a police officer who was openly antisemitic.  JEWS MUST FIGHT BACK

The trial continues

Audio set to be released if individual is found guilty

We intend to publish these audio  tapes if they find her guilty.


She was the victim of a poisoning 

Phoned the police.

Phoned her sister who is willing to testify that the man  was and appeared to be  demanding cash and extorting it via her father's bank account 'come on you know your dad can afford it.'  Another antisemetic slur.

Pressed audio record

Was arrested somehow based on the false and now since recently  recounted  statement that she was in some way the perpetrator of an assault. The malicious accusation which the police were happy to become a third part to was made by Jason Graham a man with a police record of innapporoprtaite behaviour at school with a minor, yes he is a teacher.


His social media which includes wildly ant semetic thoughts on the Israeli hamas war has been deleted but has been logged.  He has a history,  of odd controlling behaviour which included a 2021 offence where he leant the renowned activist and author a bike and then reported it stolen. This is the definition of police endorsed gas lighting


False allegation against Cumbrian Jew; can a fair trial occur in todays climate of 2 tier policing


Update: From this point the investigation appears to be imoral and highly inapropriate and uneven in its application against individuals of a certain ethnic background.

Preoject x Egremont: case 10025


A Cumbrian Man of Jewish Heritage may be the target of a openly antisemetic hate filled attempt to make him suffer for a crime so heinous it strikes at the very heart of his character.


Once again the ashkanazi Jewish spirit of recording incidents as they happen seems to be the thing that will save his day. will have our eyes wide open for any abuses, non disclosures that may be weaponised to ensure the individual is blind sided at trial. But there is already unusual policing going on, and well shalom Justice British style, we have sen all this before.


Information gathering, distorting peopes contiotutional rights and the like are hallmarks of this 'policing' already. It is in the words of a famous Jewish Lawyer who is yet to consider representing the man, who sufferes from mental health issues and is knows as a salt of the earth Character, who would give his last cent to anyone.

In the words of another person familiar with the case who does not want to be named due to Cumbria Polices recently recorded 'antisemetic comments' captured on a womans phone as she was arrested and strip searched said. 'The chilling effect is by design.' I havent heard of one pro palestinian protester being arrested  since teh 400 rapes on Britsih , American and Israli Jews on October 7th. Disgusting and as odd as it sounds, the police themselves recorded such behavior when they refused to immediately turn off a Jewish defendants phone after wrongly arresting a suspected date rape victim for assaulting her rapist, for not drinking the entire coffee said to be laced with drugs that incapacitated her.


An ex cumbrian Jew said 'Its not safe, the policing is 2 tier, one rule for the productive and one rulke for the  infantalised.... the racism of low expectations treats 'palestinians' a statehood, or refernce to a state hood that does not exist as entitled victims and to victims of actual poisoning as 'disgusting animals, dirty person, inside and out', one officer commented 'you can change your gender but not wipe of the Jew' these audi files are in our possession and although the audio fades in and out its clear some of the officers are under eductaed on what antisemitism is and also unware of what Jews are. But they are hard left enablers. Clearly getting their policing ready for sharia law; anyone who questions whether this could be a reality is deemed far right even transexual Jews and vulnerable young adults; oh sorry that mans Jewish lets retroactively deem him compe=tent and vioent and responsible for other peoples self harm. CLASSIC trope used asgainst Jews. We here at IDf uik CANT WAIT TO BE CALLED LIARS SO WE CAN SUE OR DEFEMATION


Going to trial Despite Video evidence to the contrary

But why is this even getting to trial. A contributor from Cumbria relayed information regarding the so called victim and alleged Nazi sympathiser. Far right politics however in her case seems to be something she is ashamed of; the woman who we cannot name made the allegation of a hammer attack before she had any injuries. CCTV and phone footage reveals that a bloodied victim, seemed to have attacked her hammer shortly after realising that a drug debt could place her in trouble. Not wanting to leave race out of it, because... of course she is a rumoured white nationalist who thinks Jews are Rats and Vermin (straight out of HITLERS PLAY BOOK). The blonde haired blue eyed aryan, self described  88 persenter (although it appears these posts have been deleated from her social media reveal dog whistles so loud a fog horn would have been more efective. 88 is of course a combination of HH (hail Hitler) in hebrew/English numerology. Hail and HItler are the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 persenters are low IQ individuals who believe because they arent calling for mass executions and a second holocaust that it cant be said to be racist. But when we see you incoding Hail Hitler into numbers and letters and phraces we know you havent got a crust on Hootie and the blow fish. Hail Hottie? NO 88 is a common way of racists being able to say hail hitler; in conjunction with her 'alleged allegations; video evidence reveals a different story. Its sad that the me too movement was so overdue because it really was useful to women who work in various industries where men have behaved badly.

But this self identifeid human doesn't work in any capacity beyond selling drugs and according to atleast one source close to the case, an avid  Only Fans aspiring 'actress'.  There is a rumour that she owed that much drug debt that she injured herself and , yes, you here the right word in your head; skapegoat a Jewish man, not normally even open about his Jewish identity as a fall guy.


This takes the bullet, this is didgusting and we have 2 horrifying examples from Cumbria of 2 tier policing.



The war in Gaza is as clear a case of good versus Evil as there is, We know what side this rumoured racist is on. Those who lie and ttack with false allegations take away from real victims like the 400 rape victims and 1400 dead from October 7th.


The Jewish man at the centre of these evidently wild malicous allegations is a skapegoat for a constabulary in hock to EE for 8billion to save on investigation costs

In terms of governance, the labour lead area which is dying, falling over itself to avoid policing crime or the fundamentalist mobs israel unfortunatel;y for the idividual of Egremont Cumbria is that


A languague They understand and a languague 'we speak'



Jewish money said to enter next Cumbrian Police elections. '


We must talk to them in a languague , sorry , concpiracy theory they understand. Coryn Labour remnants need to be out of all leadership positions'.


Antisemetic attyacks ar eon the rise in Cumbria more than anywhere in Cumbria in relation to the small number of Jewish individuals.




Thankyou for the 1000 Uk Pound donation to this organisation from anonymous Church leader based in Maryport England



“Working with Israeldefencefund has been a game-changer for our organization. Their content writing services have helped us amplify our message and reach a wider audience.”

Douglas Dunsten William Shire

Christian zionism 

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Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

About us

Israeldefencefund is a content writing agency based in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. We are passionate about using our writing skills to defend and raise awareness against two tier policing in the UK. Our team is dedicated to creating impactful and engaging content that makes a difference.